Drawing upon the latest research, industry innovations and developments, Sandalwood Notes is your go-to source for sandalwood news, chronicling the latest news, commentary, and insights into the realm of sandalwood.

We’re Climate Active Certified for Business Operations.

October 16, 2023

We’re the first Indian sandalwood company in Australia to be award a Climate Active Organisation certification for carbon neutral business operations.

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June 14, 2024

In this article, we chat to Kat Snowden, one of Australia’s most celebrated aromatherapists, to discover the benefits of using Indian sandalwood in aromatherapy.

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Exploring Indian sandalwood’s Enduring Role in Perfume

March 19, 2024

Spicy, grounding, warm, sensual, milky, cream, velvety – The scent of Indian sandalwood has captivated humankind across cultures, time, and places.

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What does Halal mean for Indian sandalwood?

December 4, 2023

Our Indian sandalwood oil, hydrosol, and powder are all Halal certified by Halal Australia.

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Sustainably Irrigated Indian sandalwood Forests

August 23, 2023

Our sandalwood plantations in Kununurra are irrigated by water supplied to the Ord River region by the mighty Lake Argyle.

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What is Sustainable sandalwood Farming?

August 23, 2023

The native population of Indian sandalwood forests have been so recklessly harvested throughout the years that despite conservation efforts, it is still listed as a threatened species according to the ICUN. 

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The Beautiful Benefits of Indian sandalwood

August 15, 2023

Indian sandalwood is no stranger to the scene of natural skincare and beauty, revered as a natural skin healer for thousands of years.

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Who is Copperhead Sandalwood?

August 10, 2023

As the world then turns its attention to alternative sustainable sources, Copperhead Sandalwood stands steadfast as a family owned, authentic, and sustainable source for this royal wood.

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The Calming Properties of Indian sandalwood

July 23, 2023

Across many disciplines – meditation, aromatherapy, Ayurvedic massage, and fomentation therapy to name a few – Indian sandalwood has been used throughout history to calm the mind and relax the body.

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Indian sandalwood in Aromatherapy

July 20, 2023

Luxuriously warm and woody, the aroma of Indian sandalwood has continually wafted through time, religions, cultures, and practices as a key agent for inducing a sense of calm and focus.

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